Chnöpfli-Umzug Rotkreuz


On 28 February 2025, Rotkreuz will become an intergalactic party zone under the motto ‘Ned vo dere Wält’! The parade starts at 3.00 pm and leads from Dorfmattplatz to Lindenplatz and back again.


Everyone is invited to join in as a superhero, a Martian or with their own creative costume - there are no limits to your imagination!

The meeting point for all carnival fans is at 14:45 on the Dorfmattplatz. The parade will be accompanied by the Oohregrööbler and Rütifäger.

After the parade, there will be refreshments, a cake buffet and the traditional confetti fight in the Fasi-Beiz to round off the carnival day perfectly. An unforgettable afternoon for all participants!